What weather we’re having!
I wanted to take a minute and offer some advice on what to do during the current weather we’re experiencing both today and last night here in the Austin area. It’s a cold, dry, north wind blowing in. Torrential wind, even, which started last evening. If you or your child is experiencing symptoms that just cropped up during this time, consider trying the homeopathic remedy “Aconite.” Here are some indications for one of our great homeopathic remedies. Symptoms helped by Aconite are ones that come on very suddenly, and with great intensity, often causing anxiety or fear in the one experiencing the symptom/s. Usually the intensity of the symptom comes on from exposure to cold, dry winds blowing in from the north (among other factors). Often there is an accompanying high fever that spiked quickly with the symptoms. Aconite can be helpful for any organ system, but more commonly it’s useful for people experiencing the beginning stages of a croup-type cough, a sore throat, ear infection, or even influenza, where the symptoms are intense and came on with rapid onset, especially if there is great anxiety and fear with having the symptoms. So, Austin, here is your “Materia Medica Minute” on an extremely helpful and far-reaching remedy, Aconite, and how it could help if you or a loved one just started experiencing symptoms over the past 12-18 hours here in the Austin area where some very cold, dry winds are blowing in from our friends up north. In good health, Noel
This Valentine's Day, help us show some love for homeopathy!
If you've been following my blogs, you're aware that we've been at work trying to change the draft guidance FDA published a few years ago. This draft guidance would unnecessarily limit access to safe and effective homeopathic medicines for you and your family. I thought it would be important to send the latest updates and offer an opportunity to show your much needed support (and Valentine love) for homeopathy. Based on the grassroots efforts from many volunteers, consumers, practitioners, educators, and manufacturers in our industry, and especially spearheaded by Americans for Homeopathy Choice, FDA did indeed change their proposed draft guidance in December 2019 but in ways that would still limit access to safe and effective homeopathic medicines. As such, we're hard at work in the next phases to prevent this from happening. And this is where we continue to need YOUR help. We need you to make your voice heard by commenting on the FDA's flawed Draft Guidance. Commenting will request that your members of Congress take action on your behalf. The process is quite very simple and only takes a minute. Please visit this website to leave your comments. The deadline for commenting is March 23, 2020. Please note that all members of your household can comment, regardless of age! For additional information about this topic, please click here. Thank you for showing your love and support for homeopathy this Valentine's Day! Sincerely, Noel Even though we're rounding the corner out of "Cedar Season" here in central Texas, environmental allergies can have an impact year round. As we move from one pollen culprit, there's another one right behind it. What can we do? Did you know homeopathy can and will help people suffering from seasonal allergies?
This master class is intended for concerned parents or allergy-sufferers who are seeking natural health alternatives for helping themselves or their family members who have allergies. Class will be held online on February 19 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. The learning objectives are:
You don't have to needlessly suffer! Join me online to learn how. Sincerely, Noel |