Homeopathic treatment has a great capacity to impact people in profound ways who experience rheumatoid arthritis. This is the first article in a series that will address disorders of musculoskeletal system. In future articles, I will publish information related to tendinitis and bursitis, degenerative arthritis, back pain/sciatica, and gout; as they all have unique symptoms and require their own treatment plans.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic, inflammatory disorder primarily of the synovial joints, but can also affect other systemic organs. RA affects over 2 million Americans, with women being 3 times more susceptible than men. The Arthritis Foundation states this disease progresses through three stages:
The exact cause of RA is unknown, but it is considered an autoimmune disorder (the body attacks itself). Genetic predispositions, or viral infections are thought to increase risks of RA. People experiencing rheumatoid arthritis can be best helped the earlier it is caught, especially before excessive suppression has taken place from conventional methods of treatment. In homeopathy, health is viewed as a condition of the entire individual, rather than in terms of isolated symptoms from specific locations of the body. In this way, a homeopath will consider not only a detailed description of the physical RA symptoms, but the overall mental and emotional disposition and character, as well. The following homeopathic remedies, and their specific indicators, can be considered for people experiencing RA: Causticum: Stiffness of the joint that is so severe, it feels as if the joint is paralyzed. Generally worse from cold, dry weather. Better in rainy weather. Affects the fingers predominantly. Rhus Toxicodendron: The main homeopathic remedy considered from rheumatism with pain and stiffness. The pain and stiffness causes the person to shift and stretch. Worse in the morning upon rising; in the cold, damp, rainy weather; storms; and sitting for long periods of time (such as in a movie or a car ride). They feel better from heat, hot bathing, or showers; and continued, gentle motion. Arnica: Great soreness all over. Even the bed feels too hard. They feel bruised or beaten. Worse from being jarred or touched; they fear being touched. Pains are usually symmetrical. Aurum Metallicum: Rheumatism with stiffness or spasms of the chest wall. This is an important remedy to consider for people who also have ankylosing spondylitis. Generally worse at night. Ledum: Swelling, coldness and pallor (sometimes blueness) in the affected joint. Worse from heat. In general, the pains ascend during the course of the illness to more proximal joints. Pulsatilla: Wandering arthritis; changeable symptoms and pains. Worse in the evening and with heat. Better from the cold; uncovering the joint; cold applications; and in the open air. Homeopathic treatment will best assist people experiencing RA from constitutional, long-term care and, as mentioned, in the earlier stages of the illness. Even if medications have already begun, homeopathic treatment can help boost vitality and strengthen the healing intelligence of the body enough where the allopathic medications can eventually be discontinued altogether. Please contact me for further information. Thanks for reading! Noel Disclaimer: The above information is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to treat, cure, or prevent disease. If you have questions about your health, please consult a medical doctor.
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Simply defined, Hemorrhoids are painful, swollen veins in the lower portion of the rectum or anus. You wouldn’t have to define that for someone experiencing them, though. The pain and inflammation is enough to know something is awry.
Common symptoms of hemorrhoids include anal itching, burning, anal ache especially when sitting, bloody stool or blood on the tissue, pain during bowel movements, and hard and tender lumps near the anus. Being that hemorrhoids are the result of increased pressure in the veins of the anus, what causes the increased pressure? Childbearing and pregnancy places extra pressure in this region for women; excessive straining during bowel movements on account of constipation and/or diarrhea also increases pressure; obesity; and simply sitting for long periods of time may also contribute. Hemorrhoids can be prevented with healthy lifestyle habits, like proper nutrition and having regular daily bowel movements. High fiber diets and adequate hydration will help with regular bowel movements. The American Heart Association recommends adults should consume at least 25 grams of fiber per day. This can come from sources of food that provide soluble and insoluble fiber. Foods high in soluble fiber include oat bran, oatmeal, beans, peas, rice bran, barley, citrus fruits, strawberries and apple pulp. Foods high in insoluble fiber include whole-wheat breads, wheat cereals, wheat bran, rye, rice, barley, most other grains, cabbage, beets, carrots, Brussels sprouts, turnips, cauliflower and apple skin. There are a lot of recommendations for proper hydration. Regardless, if you typically don’t drink water or have fluids throughout the day, start with trying to get at least 8 cups of water per day. This can come from water, tea, coffee, and even soda. Please keep in mind your best source for hydration is calorie-free, as obesity can also be a contributor to hemorrhoids. Other sources suggest drinking half your body weight in ounces. In other words, take your weight (in pounds) and divide it in half. Drink that amount of water in ounces per day. So, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should drink 100 ounces of water per day (12.5 cups). Healthy lifestyle habits may not prevent hemorrhoids, alone, however. Chronic constipation may be more than just a physical ailment. Because we are whole, integrated beings, digestive troubles may have psychological components involved. Since homeopaths view health as a condition of the entire individual, rather than in terms of isolated symptoms from specific locations of the body, this makes homeopathy a viable solution to help people experiencing hemorrhoids There are several homeopathic remedies that are well suited to assist someone in finding relief if they experience hemorrhoids. Below is a brief list of six homeopathic remedies and their unique indications:[1] Aesculus: Hemorrhoid pains that cause or are associated with low back pain. Pain as if the rectum were full of small sticks. Worse from standing and better from kneeling. Aloe: Congested hemorrhoids that protrude like a bunch of grapes. They feel better from cold compresses or cold bathing. Ignatia: Hemorrhoids or fissures with terrible rectal spasms. Nux Vomica: Painful, congested hemorrhoids and fissures, especially with persistent constipation. The person generally feels worse if the hemorrhoids are suppressed. The person generally feels better after stool. Ratanhia: Tremendous pain after stool, like broken glass. Worse after a hard stool, or from touch. Sulphur: Large, congested, and moist hemorrhoids with irresistible itching. Worse at night, after having beer, or from standing. There are many, many other homeopathic remedies that may help people experiencing hemorrhoids. This list is for acute-related complaints. If your symptoms are chronic (long-standing) or severe it’s best to consult qualified professional assistance. Please note this information is intended for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, diagnose, or cure any diseases. If you have questions about your health, please consult a physician. Please contact me for further information or to get started on finding relief. Thank you for reading, Noel [1] Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology. Roger Morrision, MD. 2002 Otitis Media, or earaches, are a common occurrence in children. You don’t have to travel far to run into a parent who is contending with a child who is in great pain with this ailment. As a parent, what can you do about it?
Earaches are essentially a blockage in the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear with the nose. Due to allergens or pathogens of some kind, the eustachian tube becomes blocked and is unable to drain fluids from the ear (a normal process). This blockage creates a lot of pressure and pain for the child, as any parent could attest. There are many symptoms for earaches. Though, usually the child may have a fever, can be restless and irritable, can cry and scratch at their ears, may have difficulty hearing, may not have an appetite nor be sleepy. Acute earaches can last 1-2 weeks if not treated, and can also become more chronic (long-standing) and create other problems like hearing loss if not dealt with appropriately. The American Academy of Family Physicians state children may be at higher risk for ear infections if they:
Because homeopathy works with the inherent healing ability of the body, it can help in most situations where there is an earache. The homeopathic remedy you choose will depend a great deal on the unique expression of symptoms your child may be exhibiting. Below is a brief list of homeopathic remedies you can choose for your child if they are having an earache: Chamomilla: Extremely painful earache. Very sensitive to pain. They are worse from being touched or having the ears examined. They feel better from being carried. In general, their disposition is screaming, unbearably irritable and demanding, and must be carried. Pulsatilla: Begins with a cold that develops into an earache. There is a painful fullness or bursting sensation of the ear. They feel worse from heat and better from cool, open air. Their disposition is very weepy, they need affection and caresses, and want to be carried slowly and tenderly. Silica: This is the main remedy used with children who have chronic and serious earaches that lead to hearing loss and chronic pain. Stopped, “glue” ears, often with popping, crackling noises in the ear; better from yawning or swallowing. In general, worse from the cold, uncovering the ear, wind, or loud noises. Belladonna: Sudden onset of pulsing, unbearable ear pain. Terrible, throbbing pains, especially on the right ear. In general, they are worse at 3pm and from being jarred. In general, it is associated with very high fever, red face and glassy, glistening eyes, with dilated pupils. They have a hot, flushed face but cold hands and feet. Please note this list is not comprehensive and is intended only for educational use. It is not meant to treat, prevent, diagnose, or cure any disease. It’s always best to consult a qualified homeopath for your child’s needs. In Austin, homeopathy is available to you from the Austin Clinic of Homeopathy. Please contact me for further information. Thanks for reading, Noel Information about the homeopathic remedies were consulted from: Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology. Roger Morrison, MD. 1998. When you have so many choices to make in how you care for you and your family, the question becomes: why homeopathy, Austin? The answer is simple. Because it works! It’s an investment into you and a commitment to a full and happy life.
When I decided to start Austin Clinic of Homeopathy many people asked me “Who’s interested?” Or, they offered the concern that people may be less interested in wellness and more interested in just seeing their doctor and getting a pill. I have to respect the desire to get well quick, since that’s the greater pace our society moves at. How will you continue working to pay your bills since, if you aren’t well, you’ll miss work and fear not having a job if you miss it? Quite the conundrum. It’s true, we may live in an “instant-gratification” society, but if you’re reading this, I know you are are willing to commit to your health and invest into optimizing your life for the long-term. The real key is emphasizing that you will pay less in medical bills and expenses over time if you take time out for yourself now. It’s your life and your right to “take” time and claim it for you! In the end, Austin, homeopathy is an investment into you and to living a vital and fulfilling life. We often neglect ourselves and get too busy and distracted from what’s really important - you! If you’re not in full working order yourself; your health is waning and your energy is depleted, how do you expect to do all that you want or need to do each day? Take time for yourself and begin the homeopathic healing journey right now! Your body and life will thank you for it. Thanks for reading and be well, Noel ![]() Lycopodium I've already blogged a few times about this topic during the past two months. But in Austin, Homeopathy is a really significant solution that can offer you relief if you're experiencing allergies. Itchy, burning eyes, congested sinuses, runny nose, itchy nose and palate, itchy this, itchy that. Yikes, the list could go on and on. If you're like most people, you haven't heard about how homeopathy can really help you. It's easier to just go to the store and buy Zyrtec, Musinex, Claritin, Advair, or get an allergy shot. It's simply just what we know to do or grew up doing in the first place. The frequent concern I hear about, though, is the need to always take the medication. Maybe the drug works a little bit, maybe it doesn't at all. Maybe it used to work quite well, but doesn't help this season. Usually, there are many side effects to contend with and that is very unpleasant. There are so many variations in how we respond to medications because we are unique individuals. We have unique qualities and unique expressions of our symptoms. In Austin, homeopathy has a fitting place in providing you lasting relief from your allergy symptoms. Because homeopathy is aimed at strengthening your body's ability to heal itself, it is directed at the unique expression of your symptoms, not just that you have allergies. Duly noted, allergies encompass so many different systems of our body. There are also food sensitivities and allergies. Digestive complaints are common, skin related reactions can occur, and even joint pain and headaches happen as a result. Once again, Austin, Homeopathy can provide you relief! There are over 5000 homeopathic remedies to choose from to help you. In previous blogs (on April 9th), I posted a few homeopathic remedies that can help you for seasonal/environmental allergies. In this blog, I'll post a couple homeopathic remedies that can help you if you have food allergies: Carbo Vegetablis: Reacts to food with weakness, faintness, chilliness, and indigestion. Bloating, flatulence, and frequent need to burp. In general, the person feels better from fresh air. They have great insecurity with the symptoms, so they may react with feeling cross and demanding to those around them. Lycopodium: Heartburn, gas, and a rumbling abdomen. The person may have ravenous hunger yet quickly gets bloated from eating only small amounts of food. Feel fatigued and drowsy after eating. They also feel weak if they miss a meal too. In general, they feel worse in the late afternoon and evening. Natrum Carbonicum: The person has trouble digesting and assimilating food and they have to stay on restricted diets. Indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers are common. Milk or dairy leads to flatulence or sputtery diarrhea, which leaves an empty feeling in the stomach. Please note this list is not comprehensive and is intended for acute relief. If your symptoms are chronic (long-standing) and severe, it's best to consult a qualified practitioner. To start your own healing journey and to find drug-free relief from allergies, please contact me. Thanks for reading and be well, Noel ![]() Arnica You can view and listen to this blog on my YouTube channel, as well. I grew up in Minnesota and developed a fondness for Minnesota sports. (I"ll always miss you, Northstars!) When I heard Minnesota's hometown hero, Joe Mauer - batting champ for the Twins, was on a week-to-week status for his bruised heel, I felt compelled to offer this information that could get our MVP back where he belongs. This quick blog is about notifying you, the reader, of homeopathic Arnica. Homeopathic Arnica is a saving grace for any sports enthusiast or athlete. It will speed your recovery from bruises and blunt-force injuries, and get you back to playing the sport you love. It will also get Joe Mauer back behind the plate in a quicker and more efficient manner than conventional methods. As a sports fan I always wonder how surprised our athletes and fans would be to know about how well Arnica works, and how fast our favorite athletes would recover from commonly occurring injuries. Football players would recover quicker, baseball players would be back in action sooner, and hockey players would be skating again with ease. To read more about the benefits of homeopathic Arnica, please visit this website: www.arnica.com. There is so much promise for this remedy to help people in sports related injuries. And there is so much promise for the greater use of homeopathy, in general, to help aid our culture in living healthier lives for longer periods of time. Thanks for reading and be well. Noel |