Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you and your family during these challenging times. I value being a trusted resource for you and I hope also a voice of calm amidst this storm. I know deeply about the promises of what homeopathy can offer, and I truly believe it can aid you in so many ways during this time. It has done so in past epidemics, and will continue to do so through this one.
I also wanted to send you a few recent updates occurring at Austin Clinic of Homeopathy during this pandemic: First, we remain open. Despite the “Stay Home Stay Safe Order” effective March 25, 2020 for Williamson County, Healthcare operations are considered an “Essential Business.” As such, in-person appointments are still available to you. Though, per Williamson County Health Department, if you are experiencing any respiratory infection symptoms; symptoms of COVID-19, which may present with fever, cough, shortness or breath, body aches, and/or unexplained fatigue; or have had any known exposure to the coronavirus, please stay home and complete a Telehealth appointment. Also, anyone entering the building will be required to have their temperature taken. With this in mind, if you’d prefer or need to meet remotely, let me know ahead of your appointment time and I will supply you remote conferencing information. As of publishing this post, the vast majority of my current appointments are being completed remotely with minimal or no issue. The only disruption is related to weak wifi connections. Please ensure you have privacy and a strong internet connection for remote appointments. As needed, phone visits can also be completed. The following policies remain unchanged:
The following is a new policy: In light of the rise in needs from many in our community, after-hours consultation rates have been discounted while this pandemic rages on. You can reach out to me on evenings and weekends for the same rate as regular “Acute Care Consultations” in my practice ($40). To do so, complete this online form. I will respond as soon as I’m able. If you have an urgent need, call me and leave a voicemail. Please note that this service is for active, current clients, and is not limited to COVID-19 symptoms. To learn more about this offering, as well as how to establish care in my practice, please read a recent blog post on this topic. Continue to stay in touch with me about your homeopathic care, and if you have any questions or concerns during this time. I’ve been asked a lot what can be done about COVID-19. Truly, your best homeopathic approach is to maintain your constitutional care, despite what you may have heard online or on social media groups about various homeopathic remedies. Keep working with a trusted, board-certified professional, especially one that knows your individual case and needs well. Anxiety and fear is natural response to unknown factors, especially pandemics. It’s understandable to seek out something - anything, that could help. Just stay the course. Talk to your homeopath about your individual needs. Together, we’ll get through this. Sincerely, Noel
As COVID-19 cases rise dramatically in the United States, so do the growing health and wellness needs from our community. I know those needs don't end when regular business hours do. To help meet that need, I'm offering discounted rates for after-hours consultations. This special offer is available while our local community and greater society all feels the impact from this virus. Please note you do not have to have COVID-19 symptoms to utilize this service, but is being offered amidst the rise in needs from all across our community.
After-hours start at 5:30 p.m. on weekdays and on the weekends/holidays. Regular rates for after-hours consultations are $100. During this time that has been discounted 60% and is now the same rate as regular "Acute Care Consultations," which is $40. Please read the following important information about utilizing this service, then click the link below to access the form that submits your consultation information to me. The fine print:
Click here to submit your After-Hours Consultation Form. Sincerely, Noel I recently wrote about the power of individualization in homeopathy, which distinguishes it from any other health modality and can offer tremendous results, if utilized well. It's worth highlighting a key point from that again, especially in light of COVID-19. Despite information you may have seen in social media groups or e-newsletter blasts being published about what remedy will help best, we need to continue looking at each case individually. It’s how homeopathy was established in the first place over 200 years ago, and will continue to produce successful outcomes in the future.
It’s also too early to tell what specific remedies will most help for people suffering COVID-19 symptoms. The North American Society of Homeopaths (NASH) recently wrote: “Keep in mind that patients in different stages of a disease have distinct symptom profiles and therefore require different remedies. It may also be that different remedies will be effective in certain regions and not in others. No one remedy is right for all patients in all stages. COVID-19 appears to have three distinct stages: 1) mild to moderate respiratory symptoms and fever, 2) pneumonia and respiratory distress, and 3) respiratory failure and collapse. Each stage will likely require a separate remedy or set of remedies.” We're learning a lot about this virus and it's pathogenesis, but we need more time and more data to be absolutely certain what remedy will help conclusively as a "genus epidemicus." Therefore, it's vitally important to maintain constitutional homeopathic care with your board-certified homeopath through this pandemic. In doing so you will continue receiving the most optimal, individualized care from your practitioner who is dedicated to you and is most knowledgeable about your specific and unique needs. In the meantime, continue following these prevention guidelines as set forth by the CDC. My clinic remains open to care for you and your family. If you would prefer to self-quarantine, please let me know ahead of your scheduled appointment time and I can supply you remote conferencing information so that we can meet via Telehealth. If you are experiencing any respiratory symptoms or symptoms of COVID-19, which may present with fever, cough, shortness of breath, body aches, and/or unexplained fatigue, or have had any known exposure to the coronavirus, please stay home and message me about setting up a Telehealth appointment. I'm focused on you and your overall well-being during this time of great need. If you’re a current client of mine, take advantage of the free “Check-in” I offer if you would like additional support to navigate the mounting fear and anxiety that naturally accompanies the impact this virus is having in our community, country, and world. I’m here for you. Book that session from my online scheduler here. If you are new to my practice and are now discovering the merits of homeopathy - I welcome you. There is hope in homeopathy - for this pandemic, and so much more. To get started, visit the same online scheduler and book your “Initial Consultation” at a time convenient for you. I look forward to assisting you. Sincerely, Noel One of the crowning jewels, in fact, linchpin of homeopathic treatment is the individualized approach we take for everyone we encounter. Individualized care distinguishes homeopathy from anything else out there: conventional medicine or otherwise. It's one of the things that drew me to homeopathy in the first place, and continues to astonish me as I work with unique individuals everyday in trying to help heal the sick, as it is called.
It is with that in mind that I want to reiterate the vital importance of maintaining your homeopathic care amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. There is a lot of homeopathic information being circulated right now regarding remedies to use or protocols to follow. It's all very alluring as we look for something - anything - that could help quell the rising fear and anxiety this disease brings about in each of us. But, doing so is not without its own consequences or potential dangers. Truly, the best approach is to continue consulting with your professionally-trained, board-certified homeopathic practitioner who knows your case best, and is dedicated to you, as an individual. Maintaining homeopathic constitutional care may be the single healthiest decision you make during these tumultuous times. Your homeopath can help you with:
If you're a client of mine, stay in touch with me. Take advantage of the free offering I provide. Go to my online scheduler and book a "Brief Check-in with Current Clients" as often as you need to. I'm here for you. Together we will get through this! Sincerely, Noel Coronavirus (COVID-19) has drastically changed our way of life in recent days and weeks. New information comes out daily, so I wanted to provide a brief update as of today in the hopes of continuing to provide perspective on this disease and how best we can all respond to it.
First and foremost, we abide by the guidelines set forth by the national public health authorities, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). We continue to advocate for standard hygiene practices to help contain and mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Read the CDC best practice recommendations for prevention here. As of today, according to data published by the European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, the United States now has 3774 reported cases of COVID-19 and 69 confirmed deaths attributed to this disease. These numbers change daily. With all this in mind, it's important to emphasize that homeopathy offers a safe and cost-effective option to support the self-healing processes of your body and should be considered within the array of therapeutic tools to use in your healthy immune system tool kit. Homeopathy involves treating the individual with the aim of triggering the bodies natural system of healing. Because we treat people, and not their illness, we can help people suffering anything from a common cold to more serious illnesses, including worldwide pandemics. What are homeopaths doing about this so far? We in the homeopathic industry continue to learn a lot about this virus each day, just like you. There is a lot of new information coming in all the time. Remedy dosing protocols, strategies, and ideas about how best to help you are also evolving. You may have come across such information on one of the many social media outlets or groups you may be a part of, or from a newsletter or article you read. I want to reiterate that, from a homeopathic perspective, your best method of defense is an individualized approach. We always (always!) have to factor in each person and their unique set of symptoms, regardless of the commonality of symptoms characteristic of the disease. It's what made homeopathy so effective in the past, and will continue to make it effective now, as well as into the future. I've been asked a lot: "What should we do about this? Should we be worried?" I think each of us is responding to this in ways that reflects our individualized mental, emotional, and physical susceptibilities. My approach to COVID-19 is no different than it would be for anything else people consult with me about. If you're worried about this virus, talk to me and we'll address it together. We'll discuss your unique concerns and address your specific needs. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of ensuring you're currently receiving constitutional homeopathic care from a professional practitioner certified by a nationally accredited organization. If you're a current client of mine, please do not follow the instructions for the dosing of remedies I have not personally talked with you about first. Finally, in light of the public health recommendations given as of recent for social distancing, I'd like to reiterate that if you'd prefer not to go out in public please know that I offer Telehealth options for you and your family members for your appointments in the coming weeks. It's always preferable to see you in person for consultations, though given the current state of affairs in our local community and world, please take advantage of this option so that you can maintain homeopathic care through all of this, which may be one of the best decisions you could make to preserve your health. Simply let me know ahead of time if this is something you'd like to do, and I will supply to you the requisite remote conferencing information. You can schedule your next visit online at a time convenient for you by clicking here. Note that this option is available even for new clients if you're new to my practice. I'm dedicated to providing the highest quality homeopathic care available to you in the Austin, Texas area. It's of upmost importance to me that we, as a community, thrive amidst this pandemic. Stay in touch with me for all things homeopathy related to your care. Together, we can do this! Sincerely, Noel ![]() This month I'm celebrating 10 years of practicing homeopathy here in the Austin, Texas area! I'm very excited about the work completed and am asking for your help in celebrating. Please read on for updates and a special offer below. 10 years ago I opened the doors to Austin Clinic of Homeopathy. Back then I was brand new to the city of Austin, having just moved with my wife from my hometown of Minneapolis. Aside from her, I didn't know anyone. It took me several months to figure out what "MoPac" stood for. Texas sunsets became their own special event and bluebonnets became the single prettiest thing to marvel at. I also loved the renegade spirit of Texas which beckons each of us to make our lives a product of our creation. It was one of the endearing characteristics that drew us to Austin. That creative spirit in me was the motivation to make a difference in this community through the medical healing art and science of homeopathy. With that in mind I established the mission of my practice as one that was focused on helping to make homeopathy more accessible and available across a wide spectrum of society. For me, it's been a great honor to provide this kind of service to you and your family these past 10 years. I've been fortunate to assist hundreds families and over a thousand individuals, mostly in the Austin area and surrounding communities, but also statewide, nationally, and even internationally. Homeopathy is a unique trade and craft - truly unlike anything else. It's a healing art as much as it is a medical science. One of the ways I most enjoy practicing is when there is a journey of personal development involved. Our symptoms are just the "tip of the iceberg" when it comes to our health. There is so much more underneath to discover and know. More often than not, people come to homeopathy because of the desire for a clean alternative, something without side effects or toxins; something that utilizes the gifts nature has provided us already. I love that about homeopathy, too! In addition, I love acting as a facilitator towards a more optimal state of well-being for you and your family. The consultation itself is a remarkable place where greater self-awareness can occur, even with children. Connections are made, roadblocks are worked through, and holistic health becomes more heightened and realized. Most of us who come into homeopathy as a profession are following a "call." We want to do things differently. The status quo isn't good enough. We seek ways to help individuals thrive, not just survive, and are fueled by the promises of what we know homeopathy can provide. That said, I'm asking for your help: if you've received benefits from homeopathy or my practice, tell a friend or family member. I can speak of the wonders of homeopathy until I'm blue in the face. Though, it's your testimony and enthusiasm which largely makes homeopathy come alive for others to also encounter and enjoy. To help aid you in that endeavor, and in celebration of the 10 year anniversary for Austin Clinic of Homeopathy, please accept this special, limited time offer of 50% off* your next "Regular Follow-up Consultation" when you refer a friend or family member who begins treatment. The more people who receive the benefits of homeopathy, the better off those individuals will be. And when more individuals are better off, so too will our society be. That is the mission I felt called to over 10 years ago. It's the mission I carry on today. Will you help me fulfill that mission? Thanks for reading and for including homeopathy into your life these past 10 years! Sincerely, Noel *The fine print: