In the second installment of "Homeopathy and Healthy Kids" I was interviewed by Wellness Plus TV on the topic of pervasive developmental delays and how homeopathy helps in these kinds of situations. I also highlighted how homeopathic remedies are made and why they are safe for all ages.
This is a difficult topic for many families. One I'm proud to say I've been able to provide an answer from homeopathy. When I first started practicing a little over 10 years ago, I was surprised to find how many parents were looking for help for things like autism, Asberger's (this diagnosis is no longer in use), and other developmental delays. It was a sobering experience to learn first-hand how this was for everyone involved. I have a lot of compassion for families who are seeking help in this and many other ailments. If developmental delays have touched your family, I hope you'll view this video. Sincerely, Noel
I was recently interviewed by Corrina Rachel and the Psychetruth team on Wellness Plus TV. We filmed a 3-part series on homeopathy for children's health.
This first episode covered general information on homeopathy and children's health, and the conversation evolved into topics covering ear infections and croup. If those conditions have affected you or your family, please take a listen. I hope you enjoy! Sincerely, Noel |