Each April Homeopathy Awareness Week is celebrated throughout the world and takes place over the birthday of Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of Homeopathy. Dr. Hahnemann was a medical doctor practicing around the turn of the 19th century. He was terribly distraught with the medical practices of his time, namely the frequent use of purgatives, blood-letting, and even intentional mercury poisoning (among others!). He sought a better way.
It was a curious discovery when he realized that quinine, a medicine that was successfully treating malaria during his day, actually produced the symptoms of malaria when taken in minute doses. This unique discovery led him to continue investigating other substances, some of which are toxic in their crude form, like the plant Belladonna, for example. Instead of taking a crude, material dose of Belladonna (such as in an herbal form), he hyper-diluted it by using water (and a small amount of alcohol used as a preservative), thus removing the toxic properties and instead leaving behind only the healing properties of that original substance. This discovery led him to establish the “Law of Similars” which guides a homeopath in the correct selection of a homeopathic remedy for people suffering from any number of ailments. Dr. Hahnemann was very successful with this new medicine which he called “homeopathy” (literally meaning similar (homeo) suffering (pathy)). The use of homeopathic medicine eventually spread throughout most of Europe and into the United States, among many other countries, throughout the 19th century. Dr. Hahnemann had found a way to use anything in nature, mostly plants and simple minerals, and unleash the healing potential found in the gifts nature has provided. It was a remarkable discovery which he honed and perfected throughout the rest of his life. He wrote several editions to “The Organon of the Medical Healing Art,” which provides several hundred aphorisms that guide the use of medical healing principles. Homeopathy provided unparalleled results in the treatment of infectious, contagious diseases throughout the 19th century (and also to present day). The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic killed an estimated 20-50 million people! Despite the horrific damage of this flu, some studies show homeopathy was getting about a 1.05% mortality rate, as compared to roughly 40-60% mortality rate from conventional medical treatments. The only monument honoring a physician in Washington D.C. is of Dr. Hahnemann and was constructed during the U.S. Presidency of William McKinley, who was an avid user and proponent of homeopathy. The 1938 Food, Drug, and Cosmetics Act included homeopathy as a protected drug and has been successfully regulated by the FDA since. There are countless other examples of homeopathy’s influence and integration into establishments we would not otherwise know or understand, but has been systematically suppressed. For reasons political and financial, homeopathy fell out of use early in the 20th century and was relegated to the shadows. Anti-homeopathy and other misinformation campaigns became prevalent and were endorsed by powerful people and organizations. That has remained to this day. But, there is a resurgence! People want natural health. YOU want to feel happier and healthier and are willing to do what it takes to treat yourself and your family in a healthy, natural way. That’s what homeopathy provides. Really, it’s very simple. Homeopathy heals gently, rapidly, and reliably for people experiencing innumerable acute or chronic illnesses. And it does so without side effects, toxins, or rendering you dependent on expensive medications or invasive exams. Homeopaths see health as a matter of the whole person and individualize the treatment based on the totality of symptoms. It’s safe and helpful for people of all ages (from healthy pregnancies, infancy, and throughout the entire life span). The peculiar discovery Dr. Hahnemann found several hundred years ago has provided gifts of healing to tens of millions of people worldwide throughout the ages. Perhaps you’re just now discovering the promise of homeopathy. Maybe someone is trying to influence you to seek it out because of their amazing results. Each day brings a new story and a new lease of life from homeopathic treatment. As a practitioner, it’s truly a joy witnessing those changes in people’s lives. I also consider homeopathy a privilege and something I’m honored to provide my clients. In the spirit of homeopathy awareness week, come to know homeopathy! If you’ve been on the fence, give it a try. If you want to know what others have said about me or my practice, click here to read testimonials. If you want to connect with me directly about, please contact me. Something like homeopathy needs to be known and more widely accessible to a greater audience. Our lives depend on it! Hoping you have a great Homeopathy Awareness Week! Sincerely, Noel
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