This is a recent article published by the The Times of India. Most medical doctors in India are also trained in Homeopathy, sometimes as a primary modality. There are over 183 5-year homeopathic medical schools in India, as well. It's no surprise that a good amount of research done on homeopathy therefore comes from India. Over time, it's the hope of Austin Clinic of Homeopathy, that more research will be done within the United States, as well. It's too important of a healing modality to keep on the fringe or relegated to simple "placebo effects" without enough scientific data to support it's effectiveness.
I hope you enjoy the article! You can access it here: If you have any questions about homeopathy, me or my practice, contact me today! All my best, Noel
The below article is a great example of research done to support the positive effects of homeopathic remedies on our bio-physiological systems. The research done comes at a great time when there is much scrutiny about how homeopathy helps. Questions like "How can a substance diluted exponentially ever help anyone? There's nothing in it." Although a common and an understandable question, life is about more than what we perceive through scientific instruments. How can we ever prove love exists between you and another? Only experiential evidence can support that. Nonetheless, Austin Clinic of Homeopathy stands by the benefits of homeopathy, regardless of research done. It works in our practice for many, many people!
So, take a look and enjoy the many benefits of homeopathy, proven scientifically! Contact me today if you have any questions about homeopathy or about me and my practice. All my best, Noel The link to the article with the research is here: |