It's time for homeopathy to be at the forefront of the minds of people for healthcare choices...again!
The history of homeopathy is an interesting topic. In the 1700's, a German physician named Samuel Hahnemann officially developed the system of healing we call homeopathy. This was not new, though. The use of natural substances to cure people of their ailments has been a practice of humans for thousands of years prior to Dr. Hahnemann's time. You wouldn't see a lab with pharmaceuticals a few hundred years ago, right? No, you would use what nature provided for you. Why should today be any different? Throughout the 1800's Homeopathy easily spread as the primary mode of healthcare throughout Europe and the United States. Most medical doctors were proud homeopaths. Homeopathy had remarkable results with infectious epidemic disease such as cholera, scarlet fever, typhoid, and yellow fever. The death rates in homeopathic hospitals was 1/2 to 1/8 that of conventional medical hospitals. In the early 1900's homeopathy was in common use in Europe, United States, and India. In the United States alone there were over 15,000 homeopathic practitioners, 22 homeopathic medical schools and over 100 homeopathic hospitals. Where did they all go? The 1920's saw the introduction of modern pharmaco-therapies. Viewing health as a condition of the entire individual, such as in homeopathy, was replaced with conventional methods that viewed disease as isolated symptoms from specific parts of the body. Physician training programs became more standardized and used funding guidelines that favored American Medical Association - approved institutions. Homeopathic hospitals and schools literally disappeared or were converted to allopathic (conventional) medicine. Despite that, homeopathy survived in Britain, France, Brazil, Argentina, and India. Today, homeopathy is once again on the rise! And coming on strong. Homeopathy has seen a resurgence of interest based on its effectiveness, its safety, and cost savings. The FDA has recognized the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States since 1983. Homeopathy is practiced in 41 of 42 European countries, especially Germany, France, Britain, Norway, Belgium, Netherlands, and Switzerland. Homeopathy is integrated in the national health care system of Mexico, India, Cuba, and Brazil. In India, there are over 183 five-year homeopathic colleges and more than 200,000 homeopathic doctors! Recent estimates indicate there are over 300 million patients throughout the world that receive homeopathic treatment annually! Why the resurgence? As a society, we are ready again for a method of healing that works with our bodies inherent healing intelligence rather than look outside ourselves for the answers. We are more ready to be responsible and accountable for what happens to our bodies and health. We are disgruntled at the extravagant costs of conventional therapies. And we are once again learning that we are inherently connected to the cycles and rhythms of nature and need to seek it's healing intelligence to help our own. Homeopathy was the primary healthcare choice for Americans for over a hundred years - longer than our current system has. It's time for homeopathy to become the primary method of healing for you and your family...once again. Please contact me for further questions or to get started on your own healing journey. Be well, Noel