James was a good kid who excelled in school. He was a dedicated and meticulous young man who demanded the best from himself. Well liked in his high school; he had many friends and spent many hours in groups, clubs, and sporting events with his peers. He even led some of them as president and even captain of his sports team.
James frequently pressured himself to be the best. He had an internal desire to be seen as ‘having it together’ so he could be liked amongst his friends. He tried very hard at this, but was terribly disturbed by the facial acne he had developed recently. How would he be liked now? Who would still see he was a good person inside with all these blemishes on his face? The questions in his mind and the resulting stress were enough to make him feel very down and blue. Despite his natural attractiveness through his character and personality, he wasn’t convinced he was good enough. He became easily irritable with the slightest things and pushed himself even further to make sure he was perceived as a smart, athletic, and a ‘put together’ young man. Such a discrepancy between his inner feelings about himself and the outer image he was trying portray created a terribly distressing state. He was easily irritated, highly perfectionistic, obstinate with his parents, and suffered from acne. What was he to do? The above scenario is a common circumstance many of our young people suffer in today’s culture. In fact, it’s a story straight from my own practice. (Of course, all names and specifics are held in strictly confidential manner). Many clients in my practice who seek treatment for acne are adolescent teenagers who may tell stories similar to James’. The totality of James’ symptoms are what led me to select the homeopathic remedy Silica to help him. This selection wasn’t based on the fact that his chief complaint was acne, but was based on the entirety of his overall character and demeanor, in addition to having acne. In homeopathy, acne is considered just one aspect of the whole individual. We are whole people, not just the sum of our parts. ‘You’ are not your arm anymore more than your leg. And even without your arm or leg, ‘you’ are still you. This is in direct contrast with conventional western medicine thinking which views disease as isolated symptoms from specific parts of the body. Even so, what is acne? Acne is defined as an inflammatory disease of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. Acne is marked mostly by:
Western medicine sites the cause of acne to be unknown. Research links it to hormonal changes that affect the sebaceous glands. Additionally, food allergies, endocrine disorders, psychological factors, fatigue, and the use of steroid drugs may also be precipitating factors for acne. Despite the ultimate cause to be unknown, when it comes to acne, homeopathy is crucial choice. This is because homeopathy is effective, gentle on the body, and affordable. There are hundreds of homeopathic remedies that can help people with acne. What a trained homeopath will do is understand the specific physical symptoms of the acne, then view that in light of the whole person; their emotional character, their mental disposition. Such subtleties will influence which homeopathic remedy is selected. As in the case with James, I took into consideration his ease at becoming irritable, his obstinacy with his parents, internal drive to be perceived in a certain way, feelings of depression, and of course the acne. The following is a list of homeopathic remedies to consider for homeopathy and acne. Please keep in mind that we are unique individuals who experience our unique expression of symptoms, just like James did above. Therefore the homeopathic remedy that will help you the most may not be listed. It’s always best to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner for your needs.
For more information or to schedule your own homeopathic consultation, contact me today! Sincerely, Noel Peterson Disclaimer: Information in this blog is intended for educational purposes only. It is not meant to treat, prevent, cure, or diagnose certain diseases. For any questions about your health, please consult with a medical doctor.
I’ve had a lot of inquiry about Homeopathic weight loss products lately.
Perhaps you’ve heard of it? The product is called hCG and is made from the hormone human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is extracted from a woman’s urine during her pregnancy. For the diet protocol, synthetic hormones are typically used. Additionally, a strict food regimen is implemented and your physical activity levels are restricted. Given my prior career experience as a personal fitness trainer, health coach and now as a homeopathic practitioner, I have had thousands of opportunities to say what I’m going to say here: there is no such thing as a magic weight loss pill! Thankfully, in homeopathy we aren’t in the business of dispensing pills. But, to have “homeopathic” on this product is somewhat misleading. Indeed, the hormone is prepared in a way that homeopathic remedies are: through dilution and succussion (shaking). But, this happens to a very low degree in hCG. In classical homeopathy, the kind of homeopathy I specialize in, a homeopathic remedy is selected for you based on the totality of your unique and detailed symptoms. No two people are alike. Therefore, the best route for your weight loss is not the same as me, or your neighbor, your co-worker, or your family member. Also, we are whole beings, and not just the sum of our parts. Someone who comes to my clinic desiring help with weight loss will receive their own personalized attention. Such individualization is discerned by understanding the person’s mental state, emotional disposition, and physical symptoms. Duly noted, it may be found that something else in their life, emotionally or mentally, may need to be addressed before the desired physical weight loss is even an option. It’s also important to mention here that there is no substitute for eating healthy, getting adequate physical activity, and managing your stress effectively for proper weight management. The diet protocol of hCG is one more plan that diverts attention away from your own personal accountability of living well, and giving that power away to something outside of you. Just like diet pills, plans, and regimens of the past, hCG falls into this category. I’ve helped hundreds of people lose weight in my career. The key is in sustaining it long-term. If we don’t learn anything along the way about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then we’ll be back in this same spot of desiring weight loss, not liking how we look or how we feel. We’ll then wait around for the next “magic pill,” even if it says ‘homeopathic‘ on it. It is possible for you to lose weight, AND keep it off! We just have to inspect all the dimensions of who we are; what makes us unique individuals; and what’s personally holding each of us back from what we want. Then, we can talk about “losing the weight” from your life. Classical homeopathy can do just that. For your FREE 15-minute consultation, contact me here or call me at (512) 382-5060. Thanks for reading! Noel ![]() With so many choices available to you for bettering your health in Austin and central Texas, what makes homeopathy a viable solution for you? The goal of this blog is to describe four major benefits of homeopathic treatment for you in your life. This is to arm you with knowledge about this profound and effective healing modality as you consider various options for your health care needs. First, homeopathy is safe, gentle, and a reliable method of healing. It was formally established as its own system of healing in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann. Dr. Hahnemann was a German physician who had become very discouraged about the medical practices of his time, namely blood letting, and the use of terribly invasive procedures. He sought a much gentler and safer way to help his patients. Not only did he succeed in that goal, but he also found a form of true healing that provides lasting relief. Through homeopathic treatment, the end goal is the complete annihilation to that person's susceptibility for their current illness. In this way, Dr. Hahnemann formulated a true medical healing art. Second, homeopathy is non-toxic, non-habit forming, and is a much more affordable alternative than conventional methods. Additionally, homeopathy will not interfere with current medications you may be on. In fact, throughout homeopathic treatment, your constitution becomes stronger and your vitality increased, such that you are less and less dependent on the medications over time. After full homeopathic treatment, patients frequently find themselves having no co-pays for a medication they once thought they may have had to always take. There are no side effects to taking homeopathic remedies. Nor are there any invasive procedures or expensive exams during homeopathic treatment, which cuts way back on its cost. Even though it is a fee-for-service profession, it is a far more economical selection of healing than any other conventional treatment for health and wellness purposes. Third, during homeopathic treatment, you will receive homeopathic remedies, which are made mostly from plants and simple minerals. The homeopathic remedies seek to initiate the inherent healing response your body naturally has. Take, for example, a cut on your finger. Over time, your body will naturally heal that cut without any intervention on your part. That same healing intelligence of the body (we call it the Vital Force) is what homeopathy works with - not against. In conventional treatments, your symptoms get suppressed in the name of offering you immediate relief. Yet, those very symptoms, even though they are uncomfortable, are not meant to be suppressed. They are your body's natural and intelligent response to let you know something is wrong. In homeopathy, the remedies work with your body's attempt to heal, and do so in safe, gentle, and reliable ways. Fourth, the scope of homeopathy is profound - it is useful for most mental, emotional, and physical complaints, both acute and chronic (long-standing). This means homeopathy is useful for you if you have any commonly understood pain, illness, and/or condition. The real benefit in this is that it's individualized to your unique symptom picture: mentally, emotionally, and physically. In this way, homeopathy does not treat, prevent, or cure diseases, as conventionally understood. Rather, it works to restore balance and optimal health for your individual nature. There is not one homeopathic remedy to take for gout, or allergies, or depression, for example. Rather, there is a homeopathic remedy that is selected for YOU, as you are experiencing your unique symptoms related to the disease you have, as well as how it impacts you mentally and emotionally. Considering all of that, homeopathy is one of the most complete systems of healing available in the world today. Because homeopathy is safe, works with your body's ability to heal itself, is economical, and comprehensive, it is a viable and useful modality for your healing needs. People commonly see a homeopath for the following: anxiety/depression, ADD/ADHD, PMS/menstrual irregularities, menopause, prostate health/ED, allergies/asthma, ear infections, coughs, the flu, headaches, joint pains/arthritis, fibromyalgia, constipation/diarrhea, bladder infections, plus much more. In this article, I outlined four main benefits to undergoing homeopathic treatment. My intent is to provide information to you so you make educated choices regarding your natural health needs. For more information or to schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation, click here. Thanks for your reading and be well! Noel What a beautiful time of the year! Summer is here, family vacations are abound, and hours of fun are spent outdoors. Yet, summertime has such a great capacity to impact our health, too. Heat exhaustion is a common condition that can easily happen for residents of Austin. As temperatures spike and humidity thickens, it’s important you take heed to the important warning signs of heat exhaustion.
First of all, here are some of the common symptoms for heat exhaustion:
What can you do to prevent heat exhaustion this summer? First of all, stay hydrated! Try your best to drink half your weight in ounces of water per day. In other words, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking 100 ounces of water, or 12.5 cups (8 fluid ounces equals one cup) each day. That may seem like a lot, but it may surprise you how fast your body loses water while in the heat. Also consider the cooling effects of water in other ways than just drinking it.
Be sure you stay safe while you go out to have all your fun this summer! Keep this article with you and enjoy! Sincerely, Noel This is the fifth and final blog I've written in a series about homeopathy and musculoskeletal disorders. My previous articles were on rheumatoid arthritis, degenerative arthritis, gout, and finally tendinitis and bursitis.
This blog will cover the topic of back pain, sciatica, and how homeopathy can help people experiencing it. I’ll first document the nature of back pain and suggest lifestyle changes one can implement to relieve their pain. I will also describe the etiology and signs of sciatica. Then I’ll cover how homeopathy works with people experiencing this condition. This will be followed by recommendations of a few homeopathic remedies that may help. Back pain can occur in the upper back, mid-back, and low back. It affects approximately 80% of Americans at some point in their lives. This staggering number also makes back pain one of the leading causes of absenteeism from work and disability claims. What makes back pain so common in our culture? There are several risk factors associated with having low back pain that are common circumstances in our culture. Some risk factors you can do something about include:
Sciatica is a form of back pain that refers to a narrowing of the spinal canal, which compresses the spinal cord and sciatic spinal nerve roots together. This extremely painful condition is brought on by some form of trauma, degeneration (arthritis or bone spurs), or rupture (herniated disc) in the back. Signs and symptoms of sciatica include:
Belladonna: Sudden onset of severe low back pain or sciatica. Pain is so severe that it prevents any movement. Pain is worse from motion, being jarred, misstepping, from the direct pressure of laying on it, and from long sitting. Generally affects the right side more than the left. Calcarea Carbonica: Low back pain from the slightest exertion, especially lifting. Back feels weak; person easily slumps in the chair. Worse from the cold, damp weather; from lifting; exerting; or ascending (stairs). Kali Carbonicum: Low back pain that drives them out of bed at night. Worse at night, often at 2 or 3 am; also from the cold or drafts. Usually affects the right side. Pains that extend into the buttocks or into the sole of the foot. Nux Vomica: Severe sciatica down either leg with great sensitivity and is often accompanied with anger. Worse in the morning that worsens the longer they stay in bed; from the cold; from turning in the bed. Better from heat. Tellurium: Severe pains that travel down the sacrum and into the sciatic nerve and thigh. Worse from coughing; laughing; sneezing; when pressing during stool; anything that induces the valsalva maneuver (forcible exhalation against a closed airway). In this fifth and final blog on homeopathy and musculoskeletal disorders, I covered the topic of back pain and sciatica. I covered important lifestyle changes one can make to relieve low back pain, I described the etiology and symptoms for sciatica, and suggested several homeopathic remedies that may help people who experience this condition. Thanks for reading! Noel This article marks the fourth entry in a series I’ve written on musculoskeletal disorders and how homeopathy can help people experiencing them. Recently, I’ve written articles on Homeopathy and Rheumatoid Arthritis, Degenerative Arthritis, and Gout. This article will cover the topics of tendinitis and bursitis. In it, I will define these conditions, discuss they’re etiology (where they come from), describe basic signs and symptoms of them, and then suggest homeopathic remedies that may help people experiencing these two conditions.
Bursitis is defined as inflammation of the bursae, which are fluid-filled sacs found between muscles and tendons. A bursa sac’s function is to reduce friction between surfaces of the body, and aid in facilitating movement. Bursa sacs are typically found in areas of the body where large joints are located, such as the shoulders, elbows, hips, and knees. These sacs of fluid can become inflamed, infected, or traumatized from overuse of the joint, continued or excessive friction of the joint, and from having systemic diseases such as gout and rheumatoid arthritis, which can lead to an infection of the bursa sac. Tendinitis is simply defined as an inflammation of a tendon. Tendons are connective tissues between muscles and bones in the body. Tendons, muscles, and bones all work together to create movement in your body. Tendinitis usually occurs after prolonged use of using the tendon inappropriately. Usually, tendinitis is accompanied by bursitis in the joint. The joints typically affected by tendinitis are the shoulder, elbow (“tennis elbow”), wrist, and knee (“housemaid’s knee”), but can happen in any tendon in the body. Tendinitis and Bursitis have similar signs and symptoms:
Homeopathy is very effective for people experiencing acute (short-term, sudden onset) tendinitis and bursitis, as well as chronic (long-standing). There are several homeopathic remedies that may be useful for these situations. They are listed below: Bryonia: Pain accompanying the inflammation that is sharp or stitching, in nature. Every slight motion causes pain. Feels better from applying pressure to the joint and from heat. Phytolacca: Pain and inflammation that exists at the site of attachment for the tendon to the bone. This pain feels worse from heat, and better from cold applications. Rhus Toxicodendron: Pain and stiffness that arises from overuse. The pain is better from continued motion, from hot bathing, or from heat. When the person gets moving, they feel compelled to keep moving and desire stretching the joint. Affects the left sided joints of the body more than the right. Please note this list is not comprehensive. For specific and individualized care, please contact me for further information. In this article I described the nature of bursitis and tendinitis, their etiology, their signs and symptoms, and homeopathic remedies that can help people experiencing these conditions. Thanks for reading! Sincerely, Noel Peterson Noel Peterson is classical homeopathic practitioner located in Austin, Texas. He specializes his practice in helping men, women, and children find sustainable relief from their pains, illnesses, and conditions using a method of healing that works safely, gently, and reliably. This blog will cover the condition of gout. Gout will be identified through a listing of its signs and symptoms, and etiology. Then, lifestyle recommendations will be offered to help combat the effects of gout. Lastly, homeopathic remedies will be suggested, with their corresponding indications, which may help people experiencing gout.
Gout is one form of an arthritic inflammation wherein deposits of uric acid form hard nodules in tissues. This is a result of an overproduction of uric acid in the blood or decreased excretion of it through urination. The most common site for gout is in the first metatarsal of the big toe, but it can also affect the joints of the feet, ankles, and knees. Gout can either be acute (affecting one joint) or chronic (long-standing, recurring episodes of pain and inflammation that may affect more than one joint). This condition is present more in men than women, and generally appears after age 30. For women, gout appears more often after menopause. It is uncommon in children. Gout is thought to be caused by an inherited abnormality to properly metabolize foods that contain purines. Purines are found in certain meat and meat products like anchovies, sardines, liver, beef kidneys, meat extracts, herring, mackerel, scallops, game meats, and gravies made from any of these. Excessive weight gain may also contribute to gout susceptibility. Because gout is a deficiency of uric acid metabolism, close monitoring of one’s dietary habits is paramount. It is generally recommended to avoid high fat foods (salad dressings, ice cream, and fried foods), eat a vegetarian diet, avoid alcohol, drink plenty of water (at least 8 cups daily) and partake in healthy lifestyle habits of proper nutrition for an optimal weight loss regimen (no more than 2 lbs of weight loss per week). Signs and symptoms of gout include:
Below is a brief list of homeopathic remedies, and their corresponding indications, for people experiencing gout. Benzoic Acid: Very helpful for arthritis, gout, and the deformity of joints. The person feels relieved when discharging sediment through the urine. Affects especially the knees, ankles, toes, and hands. Marked cracking of the joints upon motion. Colchicum: This is one of the most important homeopathic remedies for people experiencing gout. The joint becomes hot, red, swollen, and exquisitely sensitive to being touched or moved. Worse at night, from the slightest motion, and from cold, damp weather. Ledum: Pains that feel better from the cold (soaking, compresses, weather, etc.). Useful for acute gout of the knee or ankle. Worse at night in bed, and from heat. Ascending pains (first affects the toes, then knees, later hips, and hands). Berberis: Gouty pain as if a nail was in the ball of the foot upon standing. Gout that occurs in the knee, especially the left one. Pain that comes on from arising from a seat. Causticum: Gout with a deformity of the toes. Calcification and advanced deterioration of the joints. These are just a few of the many homeopathic remedies that can help people experiencing gout. Please note this list is not comprehensive. For your best results, please contact me. In this article I outlined the definition of gout; its signs, symptoms, and etiology. Healthy lifestyle recommendations were added, specifically related to the diet. Lastly, homeopathic remedies were offered, with their corresponding indications for people experiencing gout. Thank you very much for your time in reading! Please contact me to get started on your own homeopathy treatments or to learn more about my practice. Sincerely, Noel Peterson Disclaimer: This blog is intended for educational purposes only and is not meant to treat, prevent, or cure disease. For questions about your health, please see a medical doctor. This article will cover a chronic joint condition: degenerative arthritis (osteoarthritis). Signs and symptoms will be discussed and a variety of homeopathic remedies will be listed that may help people experiencing this condition. Because homeopathy is individualized to each person, various indications will be offered for each homeopathic remedy mentioned.
Osteoarthritis is a type of arthritis that results from the breakdown and eventual loss of the cartilage of one or more joints. It is the most common form of arthritis and arises from normal wear and tear on the joints. It usually impacts the larger, weight-bearing joints of the body, such as the knees and hips, but can also affect the wrists, fingers, and spine, for example. Osteoarthritis usually develops very slowly over time. Its exact cause is unknown, but is generally associated with the aging process. People who are obese, are diabetic, or have had mechanical injuries to joints are at a greater susceptibility for having osteoarthritis. Signs and symptoms of osteoarthritis include:
Osteoarthritis is believed to be incurable. That said, the first course of action for relief would be to live at a healthy weight, if obesity is a factor. This is especially the case if the legs or spine is impacted by the osteoarthritis. Additionally, homeopathic remedies can be helpful for people experiencing osteoarthritis. In general, degeneration of the joint is slowed and inflammation is held at bay. In homeopathy, treatment is individualized to the person experiencing the signs and symptoms. Rather than treat each case the same, unique expressions of symptoms are considered, both mentally/emotionally, as well as physically. In homeopathy, health is viewed as a condition of the entire individual, rather than in terms of specific symptoms from isolated locations of the body. Below is a list of homeopathic remedies that may be helpful for people experiencing osteoarthritis. Their indications are listed next to the corresponding homeopathic remedy. Calcarea Carbonica: This is the main remedy for people experiencing degenerative joints, osteophytes (bone spurs), and calcifications. Worse in the cold, damp weather and/or exertion. Calcarea Flourica: One of the main remedies for people experiencing exostosis (formation of new bone on the surface of the bone), calcifications, and spinal curvature. The person is generally worse from the heat, but the joints feel worse from cold. Calcarea Phosphorica: A good remedy for people experiencing degeneration in joints of the spine. Worse from drafts, the wind, and changes in weather. Natrum Sulphuricum: Degenerative arthritis, especially affecting the left hip. Worse in the damp weather, in the morning, or ascending stairs. Kali Carbonicum: Degenerative arthritis with aching or stitching pains. The person feels stiff and tight all over the body. Worse at night, especially 2-3 AM; in the cold and damp weather; and from drafts of air. Bellis Perennis: Post-traumatic arthritis (“Railway spine”). Worse from the cold, especially from a sudden chill, or from getting wet. Better from heat and rubbing. These homeopathic remedies are typically the most frequently used for people experiencing osteoarthritis. This list is not comprehensive, though. Please contact me for further information and to receive the most proper care. In this article, I outlined the definition of osteoarthritis and its signs and symptoms. A brief list of homeopathic remedies were listed with their specific indications for use. Thank you for your time in reading this article! Sincerely, Noel Disclaimer: This information is intended for educational purposes only and is not aimed at treating, diagnosing, or curing disease. If you have questions about your health, please consult a physician. Otitis Media, or earaches, are a common occurrence in children. You don’t have to travel far to run into a parent who is contending with a child who is in great pain with this ailment. As a parent, what can you do about it?
Earaches are essentially a blockage in the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear with the nose. Due to allergens or pathogens of some kind, the eustachian tube becomes blocked and is unable to drain fluids from the ear (a normal process). This blockage creates a lot of pressure and pain for the child, as any parent could attest. There are many symptoms for earaches. Though, usually the child may have a fever, can be restless and irritable, can cry and scratch at their ears, may have difficulty hearing, may not have an appetite nor be sleepy. Acute earaches can last 1-2 weeks if not treated, and can also become more chronic (long-standing) and create other problems like hearing loss if not dealt with appropriately. The American Academy of Family Physicians state children may be at higher risk for ear infections if they:
Because homeopathy works with the inherent healing ability of the body, it can help in most situations where there is an earache. The homeopathic remedy you choose will depend a great deal on the unique expression of symptoms your child may be exhibiting. Below is a brief list of homeopathic remedies you can choose for your child if they are having an earache: Chamomilla: Extremely painful earache. Very sensitive to pain. They are worse from being touched or having the ears examined. They feel better from being carried. In general, their disposition is screaming, unbearably irritable and demanding, and must be carried. Pulsatilla: Begins with a cold that develops into an earache. There is a painful fullness or bursting sensation of the ear. They feel worse from heat and better from cool, open air. Their disposition is very weepy, they need affection and caresses, and want to be carried slowly and tenderly. Silica: This is the main remedy used with children who have chronic and serious earaches that lead to hearing loss and chronic pain. Stopped, “glue” ears, often with popping, crackling noises in the ear; better from yawning or swallowing. In general, worse from the cold, uncovering the ear, wind, or loud noises. Belladonna: Sudden onset of pulsing, unbearable ear pain. Terrible, throbbing pains, especially on the right ear. In general, they are worse at 3pm and from being jarred. In general, it is associated with very high fever, red face and glassy, glistening eyes, with dilated pupils. They have a hot, flushed face but cold hands and feet. Please note this list is not comprehensive and is intended only for educational use. It is not meant to treat, prevent, diagnose, or cure any disease. It’s always best to consult a qualified homeopath for your child’s needs. In Austin, homeopathy is available to you from the Austin Clinic of Homeopathy. Please contact me for further information. Thanks for reading, Noel Information about the homeopathic remedies were consulted from: Desktop Companion to Physical Pathology. Roger Morrison, MD. 1998. ![]() Lycopodium I've already blogged a few times about this topic during the past two months. But in Austin, Homeopathy is a really significant solution that can offer you relief if you're experiencing allergies. Itchy, burning eyes, congested sinuses, runny nose, itchy nose and palate, itchy this, itchy that. Yikes, the list could go on and on. If you're like most people, you haven't heard about how homeopathy can really help you. It's easier to just go to the store and buy Zyrtec, Musinex, Claritin, Advair, or get an allergy shot. It's simply just what we know to do or grew up doing in the first place. The frequent concern I hear about, though, is the need to always take the medication. Maybe the drug works a little bit, maybe it doesn't at all. Maybe it used to work quite well, but doesn't help this season. Usually, there are many side effects to contend with and that is very unpleasant. There are so many variations in how we respond to medications because we are unique individuals. We have unique qualities and unique expressions of our symptoms. In Austin, homeopathy has a fitting place in providing you lasting relief from your allergy symptoms. Because homeopathy is aimed at strengthening your body's ability to heal itself, it is directed at the unique expression of your symptoms, not just that you have allergies. Duly noted, allergies encompass so many different systems of our body. There are also food sensitivities and allergies. Digestive complaints are common, skin related reactions can occur, and even joint pain and headaches happen as a result. Once again, Austin, Homeopathy can provide you relief! There are over 5000 homeopathic remedies to choose from to help you. In previous blogs (on April 9th), I posted a few homeopathic remedies that can help you for seasonal/environmental allergies. In this blog, I'll post a couple homeopathic remedies that can help you if you have food allergies: Carbo Vegetablis: Reacts to food with weakness, faintness, chilliness, and indigestion. Bloating, flatulence, and frequent need to burp. In general, the person feels better from fresh air. They have great insecurity with the symptoms, so they may react with feeling cross and demanding to those around them. Lycopodium: Heartburn, gas, and a rumbling abdomen. The person may have ravenous hunger yet quickly gets bloated from eating only small amounts of food. Feel fatigued and drowsy after eating. They also feel weak if they miss a meal too. In general, they feel worse in the late afternoon and evening. Natrum Carbonicum: The person has trouble digesting and assimilating food and they have to stay on restricted diets. Indigestion, heartburn, and ulcers are common. Milk or dairy leads to flatulence or sputtery diarrhea, which leaves an empty feeling in the stomach. Please note this list is not comprehensive and is intended for acute relief. If your symptoms are chronic (long-standing) and severe, it's best to consult a qualified practitioner. To start your own healing journey and to find drug-free relief from allergies, please contact me. Thanks for reading and be well, Noel |