Making a change in how you eat can be likened to a major life saving operation in that it takes careful consideration, preparation, and action. Like an operation, it can truly be one of the most important and life-altering decisions you make in your life. So, how do you eat healthy?
I’d like to outline a 3-step process you can adopt to adequately prepare you to make healthy eating a sustainable lifestyle habit. Then, a list of 10 tips is offered to assist you with what to eat, when you’re ready! The first step is to recognize that a change is needed. If knowledge is power and awareness is wisdom, both will help point you in the direction of change with great velocity! How do you know if a change is needed? It usually has to do with your body’s signals. Ask yourself, are you low in energy? Do you wake up feeling drowsy, sluggish, or irritable? Do you experience the effects related to obesity, such as diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, or other chronic conditions? If so, it could be your body’s signal telling you it’s time to make a change. The second step is to tip the scales in the direction of change. Maybe you’re aware a change is needed, but you’re not sure what steps to take, or changing just seems too difficult. One thing you can do to tip the scales in the direction of change is to list the benefits and consequences of eating healthy. For example, one benefit of changing could be to help you lose weight. A possible consequence of it could be the perception that healthy foods don’t taste good. Additionally, consider the benefits and consequences of not making a change. For example, one potential benefit of not changing could be that you get to stay within your comfort zones and continue to eat what you always have. Conversely, one consequence of not changing could be the fact that you’ll never lose the weight you’d like. Such an analysis helps you weigh both the pros and cons of changing, as well as not changing. This strategy will help you become more aware of the barriers that may be holding you back and how you can begin overcoming them. The third step is to prepare for change and create a plan of action. Here, you know it’s time to change but you need to have the appropriate plan before taking action. This may mean you need to arm yourself with correct information about what eating healthy involves. You can visit the websites or for great educational resources on eating healthy. When you’re convinced it’s time to change and you’re ready to create a realistic eating plan, consider these 10 tips on various components of healthy eating: 1. Limit the intake of processed foods that contain ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup and/or partially hydrogenated oils. 2. Use 100% whole grains rather than white flour or white pasta. 3. Eliminate white sugar as much as possible. 4. Eat a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables and fill ½ your plate with them at each meal. 5. Use olive oil instead of butter 6. Choose lean meats like chicken, turkey, or fish, versus red meat 7. Shop the periphery of the grocery store and avoid shopping when you’re hungry 8. Eat until you are 80% full 9. Drink at least 8 cups of water per day 10. Eat slowly and savor each bite. When you can adequately prepare yourself for change, and then adopt these tips; you are well on your way to making healthy eating a sustainable lifestyle habit. Congratulations! In my practice I carefully consider your lifestyle habits, especially regarding your nutrition. Please contact me to get started on your own homeopathic treatments or to learn more about me and my practice. Thanks for reading and be well! Noel
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When you have so many choices to make in how you care for you and your family, the question becomes: why homeopathy, Austin? The answer is simple. Because it works! It’s an investment into you and a commitment to a full and happy life.
When I decided to start Austin Clinic of Homeopathy many people asked me “Who’s interested?” Or, they offered the concern that people may be less interested in wellness and more interested in just seeing their doctor and getting a pill. I have to respect the desire to get well quick, since that’s the greater pace our society moves at. How will you continue working to pay your bills since, if you aren’t well, you’ll miss work and fear not having a job if you miss it? Quite the conundrum. It’s true, we may live in an “instant-gratification” society, but if you’re reading this, I know you are are willing to commit to your health and invest into optimizing your life for the long-term. The real key is emphasizing that you will pay less in medical bills and expenses over time if you take time out for yourself now. It’s your life and your right to “take” time and claim it for you! In the end, Austin, homeopathy is an investment into you and to living a vital and fulfilling life. We often neglect ourselves and get too busy and distracted from what’s really important - you! If you’re not in full working order yourself; your health is waning and your energy is depleted, how do you expect to do all that you want or need to do each day? Take time for yourself and begin the homeopathic healing journey right now! Your body and life will thank you for it. Thanks for reading and be well, Noel Many times in our life we are met with difficult decisions to make. Do we take the road less traveled, or the path well tread? It most likely depends on the potential each particular path offers to satisfy your needs and give you the best results.
If you're a concerned parent of a child who needs attention for their ailments, perhaps it has crossed your mind whether or not there are any other options available than medicating them. No doubt we all get concerned about our health, but we are equally concerned about side effects, dependence on toxic substances just to continue living with some relief, and the financial cost of everything, as well. It's important, then, to note one alternative that can help alleviate your concerns: Homeopathy. Some benefits of homeopathic treatment include drug-free relief from your ailments, no side effects, is safe and gentle, affordable, and involves no expensive testing or invasive diagnostic procedures. Homeopathy is a viable and effective solution to your family health care needs! For children, Homeopathy is aimed at strengthening their inherent healing potentials. Whether your child is experiencing ADD/ADHD, allergies/asthma, coughs, skin-related concerns, or various other physical, emotional, and mental concerns, homeopathy can help! As in all homeopathic treatments, it does not prevent, treat or cure diseases. Rather, it works to treat people who experience a spectrum of symptoms. It does not suppress or treat your symptoms, but works to strengthen your system to remain resilient, and boosts your vitality and well-being. Your child's symptoms lead us to knowing what homeopathic remedy will best help. Over time, symptoms are no longer there, and lasting healing takes place. It's really a beautiful thing! If you're interested in learning more, please contact me. You may just be entering into one of the best and most fulfilling journeys of yours and your children's lifetime. Many thanks, Noel |