Despite advances in technology and the sophistication of medical instruments, would you contend we’re getting healthier as a nation?
How many times have you heard about the latest medical drug offering wondrous results in a condition or disease, yet to be recalled months or a few short years later because of it’s dangers? There has to be a better way! And homeopathy might just be it. In fact, it just might be necessary. Homeopathy provides a safe, gentle, and affordable approach to health and healing that may very well be the greatest and most prevailing solution to our health care woes in this country for the 21st century. Sound too good to be true? Sometimes the best solutions are the simplest ones. Homeopathy provides just that. Homeopathy is a distinct and unique medical science. Commonly misunderstood to be a term for anything ‘natural’, or simply the use of herbs, homeopathy is guided by firm principles of healing that are highly scientific, replicable, and effective. Contrast this with conventional (allopathic) medicine. Allopathic medicine is formed by the latest theories of the body and, therefore, change over time. A little over two hundred years ago “medical theory focused on the balance of ‘humors’ (fluids) in the body. The thinking was that health could be restored by removing supposedly noxious fluids from the body. Thus, the most popular treatments tried to encourage sweating, vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding via the cutting of veins (venesection) or the application of leeches, or the creation of blisters to draw inflammation from one part of the body to another. Toxic doses of mercury were also used to treat venereal diseases.” [Lansky] Frequently, the sick person would die from simply losing too many bodily fluids, namely blood. The doctor would lament “I’ve done all I could.” Nowadays this technique seems preposterous. Yet, the routine use of drugs that poison us and frequently cause side effects are the common method today. Are common medical practices more effective now than they were then? The Journal of American Medical Association (JAMA) in 2000 reported:
One could certainly make the argument of how many lives it saves to counter-balance the deaths. Yet, a 1978 report, “Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Medical Technologies” compiled by the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment found that only 10 percent to 20 percent of the techniques used by allopathic physicians are empirically proven [OTA]. Is this our best option? Homeopathy is guided by the firm principle called the Law of Similars. This law claims that a sick person will be cured by a substance which causes, in a healthy person, the same symptoms the sick person experiences. Homeopathy literally means similar (homeo) suffering (pathy). The Law of Similars renders homeopathy to be an exacting science, not vulnerable to the sway of medical popularity and the dictates of mass opinion. It will always work and the Law of Similars provides a predictable pathway to find which homeopathic remedy will best help heal someone. It is not based on expensive exams or invasive procedures. You will not be subjected to intimidating machinery or toxic substances to locate altered states in the body. The guiding light in homeopathic treatment are your symptoms, as described by you, the client. Sounds too simple, right? Is this all there is? The answer is yes. Because we are whole beings a homeopath will seek to have a full understanding of you (mentally, emotionally, and physically) Thus, the natural health pathway to healing can take a multitude of forms. In homeopathy, you are treated as a unique individual. No two people will receive the same homeopathic remedy for the same concern they are seeking help for. This is because we view health as a condition of the whole person, not just in terms of specific symptoms from isolated parts of the body. Because of its unique and individualized nature, the length of homeopathic treatment varies from person to person. In general, healing is related to how long you’ve had the symptoms, your lifestyle habits, hereditary factors, and if suppressive medications are being used, among many other factors. The real beauty in homeopathy, then, is to be patient with yourself and allow the healing path of self-discovery to unfold as it needs to. In our modern culture such time for self-care is an anomaly. Your homeopath will offer you their full attention - a gift to truly behold nowadays that is simply too difficult to come by with modern medical systems. Homeopathy is the science and art of healing. It follows highly scientific methods through the Law of Similars. The art of homeopathy is that each person’s response is unique and guided through a process over time. Homeopathy is a non-invasive and affordable natural health system wherein you are fully listened to and supported through the process of healing. Contrast this with a brief visit from a busy doctor. Homeopathy is also safe for all ages and has no side effects. Newborns all the way through the life span can use homeopathy. Because of these reasons, and because of the dangers of allopathic medicine, homeopathy simply could be the most viable solution for our health needs in this country for the 21st century. In fact, it’s simply necessary! For further questions, or to begin the necessary step of natural health through homeopathic healing, contact us today! In good health, Noel References [Lansky] Lansky, Amy, PhD. Impossible Cure: The Promise of Homeopathy. p.25 (2003). [OTA] “Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Medical Technologies,” Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, Washington, D.C. (1978:7) [Starfield] Starfield, Barbara, “Is U.S. Health Really the Best in the World?” Journal of the American MEdical Association (JAMA), 284(4), pp. 483-485 (July 2000).
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Is it possible?! Can there be a way?! Is there anything that can be done for these hot flashes?!
The simple answer is a resounding “Yes!” The longer answer involves the nature and nurture of a woman experiencing menopause. For starters, what is menopause? Just ask any woman typically between the ages of 45 and 55 and she’ll tell you she’s experiencing one or several of the following symptoms:
Physically speaking, a woman’s ovaries gradually produce less estrogen, resulting in the cessation of ovulation and menstruation. More importantly, though, menopause is a natural health process and a necessary transition into another phase of life. Transitions of any kind involve change, sometimes uncomfortable changes, with a transformation resulting upon completion of the transition. Menopause is not meant to be treated like a disease. Frequently, women are not aware of alternative options. Thus, the they will seek the guidance of their physician who typically will recommend hormone replacement therapy. There are synthetic kinds, namely Premarin, Prempro, and Provera, which are the most commonly used (which are made from horse urine). There are also bio-identical hormones, which have recently received much buzz from well known celebrities. Bio-identical hormones are manufactured in the lab to have the same molecular structure as the hormones made by your own body. Yet, our bodies are dynamic, ever-changing organisms that require a very individualized approach with natural health solutions. Not every woman will respond to the one-size-fits-all approach of synthetic or bio-identical hormones. And, being that menopause is a transition, a natural health approach that supports a woman through this time will be the most effective and caring approach. This is where classical homeopathy comes in. A qualified practitioner will find a homeopathic remedy that is individualized to her unique needs. The remedy is made from mostly plants and simple minerals and takes the healing intelligence of nature to stimulate her own unique and natural healing response. In this way, the body will become strengthened to support it’s own transition. This is especially important for a woman as her body is so inherently interwoven into the rhythms of nature. This is modeled in the very context of her menstrual cycle, which symbolizes a birth and death every month through the release of an egg and shedding of tissue. This typically coincides with the very lunar cycle of the moon’s orbit around earth. How much more connected to nature can you get?! Thus, as the menstrual cycle changes during menopause, it indicates she is ready to move on to the next phase of her life. This is a beautiful process that is honored in a woman through classical homeopathy. Classical homeopathy cannot regenerate an endocrine gland that may not be working anymore, thus necessitating a synthetic or bio-identical hormone replacement. This is best discussed between a woman and her doctor. However, in most cases, classical homeopathy will aid a woman through her transition and help support her in adapting to the change. Additional to the use of homeopathic remedies, women are advised to be involved in adopting healthy lifestyle habits such as proper nutrition, adequate exercise, and effective stress management. There is no replacement for healthy lifestyle habits! There are hundreds of homeopathic remedies to choose from to help a woman experiencing menopausal symptoms. She is best advised to consult with a qualified homeopathic practitioner who will individualize the remedy to her unique needs, and who will also advise her on healthy lifestyle habits. In my practice, I work with woman on these very things. Contact me for any questions or to get started in your own homeopathic treatment. You can email me here or call the clinic at (512) 382-5060. Your in great health, Noel Disclaimer: This blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended to treat, prevent, cure, or diagnose disease. If you have questions about your health, please consult your physician. |