Can homeopathy help with weight loss?
At the risk of sounding too gimmicky, the short answer is a resounding, "Yes!" How we get there, though, is different than what we're used to in conventional medicine. Instead of targeting a specific neuro-pathway or biochemical reaction to suppress appetite, homeopathy works to cultivate better general health. From that improved place of wellness and vitality, we feel more empowered to make healthier choices - the ones we know we should be doing, but just aren't doing it yet. Homeopathy can help create the shifts in one's life, and we can subsequently end up craving foods differently, or actually having the energy to go out and exercise - something we know we've wanted to do, but just haven't felt well enough to do prior to homeopathic treatment. In this video I highlight a case from my own practice. He was a mid-40's male, who had begun resigning himself to feeling that being "fat and overweight" (his words) was just his lot in life. After some prodding by his wife, who had received a lot of benefit in my practice, he reluctantly decided to "give it a try." To his surprise, his life dramatically changed for the better, and with fairly rapid results. It's a great testimonial illustrating how homeopathy helps with weight loss, but not in the conventional medicine way. Take a listen and let me know if you're ready to experience the life-changing results homeopathy can provide for weight loss! Sincerely, Noel
I’ve had a lot of inquiry about Homeopathic weight loss products lately.
Perhaps you’ve heard of it? The product is called hCG and is made from the hormone human Chorionic Gonadotropin, which is extracted from a woman’s urine during her pregnancy. For the diet protocol, synthetic hormones are typically used. Additionally, a strict food regimen is implemented and your physical activity levels are restricted. Given my prior career experience as a personal fitness trainer, health coach and now as a homeopathic practitioner, I have had thousands of opportunities to say what I’m going to say here: there is no such thing as a magic weight loss pill! Thankfully, in homeopathy we aren’t in the business of dispensing pills. But, to have “homeopathic” on this product is somewhat misleading. Indeed, the hormone is prepared in a way that homeopathic remedies are: through dilution and succussion (shaking). But, this happens to a very low degree in hCG. In classical homeopathy, the kind of homeopathy I specialize in, a homeopathic remedy is selected for you based on the totality of your unique and detailed symptoms. No two people are alike. Therefore, the best route for your weight loss is not the same as me, or your neighbor, your co-worker, or your family member. Also, we are whole beings, and not just the sum of our parts. Someone who comes to my clinic desiring help with weight loss will receive their own personalized attention. Such individualization is discerned by understanding the person’s mental state, emotional disposition, and physical symptoms. Duly noted, it may be found that something else in their life, emotionally or mentally, may need to be addressed before the desired physical weight loss is even an option. It’s also important to mention here that there is no substitute for eating healthy, getting adequate physical activity, and managing your stress effectively for proper weight management. The diet protocol of hCG is one more plan that diverts attention away from your own personal accountability of living well, and giving that power away to something outside of you. Just like diet pills, plans, and regimens of the past, hCG falls into this category. I’ve helped hundreds of people lose weight in my career. The key is in sustaining it long-term. If we don’t learn anything along the way about how to maintain a healthy lifestyle, then we’ll be back in this same spot of desiring weight loss, not liking how we look or how we feel. We’ll then wait around for the next “magic pill,” even if it says ‘homeopathic‘ on it. It is possible for you to lose weight, AND keep it off! We just have to inspect all the dimensions of who we are; what makes us unique individuals; and what’s personally holding each of us back from what we want. Then, we can talk about “losing the weight” from your life. Classical homeopathy can do just that. For your FREE 15-minute consultation, contact me here or call me at (512) 382-5060. Thanks for reading! Noel |