Wow! What an experience!
I recently went through an illness and had to write about it. It’s a great illustration of the power of homeopathy and may even help you with your current symptoms! It all started on a Wednesday evening. I began a sickness we call “acute coryza,” which is referred to more conventionally as “the common cold.” Because we are all so individualized, we have our own specific symptoms of “the cold.” For me, it started with an irritated, warm, and somewhat raw throat. I could tell it was the beginning of something, but didn’t know to what effect. This same throat irritation lasted through Thursday. That night the congestion came, along with great amounts of sneezing. I had a really difficult time sleeping as I woke frequently unable to breathe and with a lot of sneezing. Friday morning I was a wreck! The main symptom I noticed was a very runny nose, with very thin and colorless mucus, to the point it was dripping from my nose like a faucet. How peculiar! Throughout Friday the runny nose symptoms were most pronounced and my head was beginning to feel entirely congested. The sneezing was violent! I would sneeze 3 or 4 times, but they would wrack my whole body. Another peculiar symptom I had was a lot of tearing from my eyes. It was very bland in sensation. I felt like I was crying most of the time, had a leaky faucet from my nose, and my head felt very thick and heavy. Saturday morning came and the best I could do was contemplate heading out for the Christmas shopping I intended for the day. I knew this was the best day for me to go, so I rallied for the energy to head out. As soon as I was outdoors, I felt remarkably better! The congestion lessened, my eyes didn’t tear as much, and the sneezing wasn’t as reactive. I wasn’t in the clear though, and my symptoms would all return with a vengeance upon going indoors. Before commencing my Christmas shopping, I took a remedy called “Allium Cepa.” This homeopathic remedy is made from a common garden onion. Like all homeopathic remedies, it is not the substance itself, but is prepared from it. Homeopathic healing follows the principle of “like treats like.” This means a substance capable of creating symptoms in a healthy person will cure those same symptoms in a sick person. For example, when you cut an onion, your eyes water and your nose runs. Those same symptoms created by the onion, will be cured in someone experiencing those same symptoms naturally. Therefore, Allium Cepa was the most similar substance that I could take to help me with my symptoms. I took my first dose at about noon that Saturday and immediately felt better. My nose was not dripping, my eyes weren’t tearing, and the sneezing subsided. The congestion remained, however. After about two hours, my symptoms were returning. I probably should have been resting to give my body time to heal, but with the Christmas season upon us, rest is hard to come by! I took another dose of the remedy and immediately felt better again. After another two hours, the symptoms were returning once again. So, I took another dose and, once again, felt immediately better. The late afternoon and evening time was the worst! I needed to take a dose about once every hour for about 4 doses total that evening. I went to bed and had the first restful night of sleep in over three days! There were no sneezing fits to wake me up, nor no runny faucet dripping from my nose! I woke up the next day with renewed energy, vastly reduced symptoms on all accounts, and an overall feeling of wellness and vitality again. What a remarkable remedy! I have not taken the remedy anymore since that day and have only slight congestion remaining. It’s been fairly moderate, so I haven’t taken a dose for that, but if I do, I’ll let you know how it goes. So, if you’re currently experiencing some allergic or sick feelings this time of year, perhaps Allium Cepa may be your choice. Here’s a quick summary of the symptomsAllium Cepa may help heal:
Please contact me for any questions. Sincerely, Noel
1/11/2012 11:21:12 am
I wish I would have read this last week! I'll be sure to keep this in mind for the next cold :-) Thanks for the wonderful info!
1/18/2012 02:42:34 am
yes sir ! homoeopathy works like a miracle in cold cases.I am more interested to treat patients of acute problems like cold more because it shows the result fast and thus develop trust and faith of patients soon.Chronic cases take time and need patience which is difficult to explain to new patients though the result helps others more to have faith.Homoeopathy is good for other acute cases also.In our family we take 99% homoeopathy for all complaints.Especially in case of my 1year old daughter we prefer to give homoeopathy only for cold ,injury ,fever, diaarhea,dental ,etc as it doesn`t have any side-effects and painless mode of treatment thus frequent use is not harmful as kids get sick soon from mild exposures.
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7/15/2012 08:03:43 pm
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7/17/2012 06:00:17 pm
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7/24/2012 05:37:24 pm
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3/9/2018 01:15:07 pm
I have similar symptoms of the faucet drip and sneezing. I have been taking 30C allium cepa.
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